
New York City Tourism Foundation’s Second Annual Summer Soiree Supports Grants for Arts and Culture Programming Across the Five Boroughs

New York City (June 7, 2024) — The New York City Tourism Foundation, the charitable arm of NYC Tourism + Conventions, hosted its second annual Summer Soiree at Pearl Alley in The Seaport on Wednesday, June 5.

The Summer Soiree raises funds for New York City’s arts and culture sector by providing grants that support local nonprofits across the five boroughs to ensure the City remains a cultural hub for diversity and innovation.

The New York City Tourism Foundation, now in its 25th year, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit incorporated in 1999 to educate domestic and international audiences about New York City’s diverse and vibrant cultural community. The Foundation has provided more than $4.5 million in grants across the five boroughs through its Borough Cultural Tourism Development Grant Program, which is administered by offices of the City’s five Borough Presidents.

Additional images of the Summer Soiree can be found here.

About New York City Tourism + Conventions New York City Tourism + Conventions is the official destination marketing organization (DMO) and convention and visitors bureau (CVB) for the five boroughs of New York City. Our mission is to invite the world and energize the City, building equitable, sustainable economic prosperity and community through tourism for the mutual benefit of residents, businesses and visitors. For all there is to do and see in New York City, visit

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